
Merchant Code of Conduct Policy

This policy sets clear guidelines regarding the use of inappropriate, abusive, or foul language during any interaction between merchants and Paycron staff members. Paycron maintains a respectful and professional environment and expects the same from all clients and partners.

This policy applies to all merchants using Paycron’s services, including verbal, written, or digital communications.

Policy Guidelines:

Prohibition of Inappropriate Language: Merchants must refrain from using any language that is offensive, abusive, or inappropriate during any form of communication with Paycron staff, whether verbal, written, or otherwise.

Definition of Inappropriate Language:

Inappropriate language includes but is not limited to:

Consequences of Violation:

Any merchant found using inappropriate language will receive a warning. Continued use of foul or abusive language may result in the suspension or termination of their service agreement.

Escalation Procedures:

In cases where inappropriate language has been reported, Paycron will:

Mutual Respect:

Paycron upholds a professional and respectful work environment for both employees and clients. Any breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary actions as deemed necessary.

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